Using your Calendar (iOS)

You can integrate the Calendar tool in your Jobulator application with both the Absence Management application and your mobile device's Calendar app.

*This integration allows you to view accepted jobs from Absence Management through the Jobulator Calendar and to receive notifications for accepted jobs through your mobile Calendar.

Absence Management Calendar Integration

Jobulator automatically indicates your accepted jobs and non-work days within its "Calendar" option (located on the navigation bar at the bottom of the app).

Once you select the Calendar, the current month will appear by default, and you can select a specific date to view a job's details (*You can also alternate between months, as needed, using the left/right arrows).


Keep in mind, this calendar only displays jobs for districts who allow the use of Jobulator.

The system also includes two additional options beneath the calendar.

Select the Today button to return to the current date and view whether that day has an event, or click Absence Management to log in to your Absence Management application and view additional details for a particular job. 


iOS Calendar Integration

Once you accept a job via the Jobulator app, you can opt to add it to your mobile device's calendar.

The integrated online calendar (mentioned above) allows you to view your schedule at a quick glance, but it does not notify you of upcoming jobs. You will need to integrate your device's Calendar app with Jobulator in order to gain this additional alert functionality.

To add a job to your calendar, you will first need to accept a job (as outlined here). Once complete, you can select the "Add to Calendar" option on the job acceptance page. 


The "Add to Calendar" option within Jobulator allows you to add jobs to your mobile device's calendar and set up the alert notification.

You will see this "Add to Calendar" option each time you accept a job within Jobulator, and once selected, it will allow you to add the accepted job to a calendar affiliated with your mobile device.

The first time you select Add to calendar, the system will prompt you to grant Jobulator access to your Calendar settings. Click OK. (*You may also be prompted to select a specific calendar if you have more than one downloaded on your device.)

The app will provide an "Event Added" confirmation once the job has been added to your mobile calendar.


Once a job is added, you can view the job's details directly within your mobile device's Calendar app. 

Jobulator specifically shows the job location (if available through Frontline Absence Management) within the Calendar's summary details, and you can then tap on the job to view additional, job-related information (such as school, work times, date, address, district, teacher's name, position, etc.).


Please note that if you are removed from a job for any reason, Jobulator will not remove that shift information from your calendar. You must manually open the Calendar app and delete the event in question. 

Setting Up your Calendar App

If Jobulator does not add shifts to your calendar, you may need to first set up a Calendar App account. While this may be different from device to device, the following should provide the basic guidelines necessary to set up your calendar app/widget.

Go to your Calendar and select the Calendar option at the bottom of the app. 

From here, you can review your calendar settings, determine your current calendar accounts, and add a new calendar account, if needed.


If you select Add Calendar, you can enter the new calendar name and determine its settings.

This account will then appear within your calendar list, and you can select this calendar when you return to Jobulator and click the "Add to Calendar" option. 

If visibility problems persist, we recommend you also reference your device’s Settings and select the Calendar. You can review your current calendar access settings and ensure your device permits access to events and alert times.
