Activated School Districts List

The Activated School District list identifies what school district(s) your Jobulator account is connected to within your Absence Management account (formerly Aesop).

Activated School Districts

Your Jobulator account is directly connected with your personal Absence Management account. This means that the Jobulator app alerts you about jobs for any district(s) listed as an "Activated School District" in your Jobulator account.


A user associated with one district in the Absence Management system would only have one district listed as "Activated" in Jobulator. Or, if a user works in multiple districts (via Absence Management) and the user has created a 6-digit multi-district PIN, they would have the ability to use that PIN to log in to the account on the Jobulator website and see each district listed.

Checking your Activated School District list

A user can check this list at any time by logging in to "My Account" on the Jobulator website. Once you have logged in to your account, you will see a section marked for "Activated School Districts." This list will tell you all the districts that Jobulator recognizes as associated districts. 


Activated School District FAQs

I switched districts this year and do not see my new district listed. What do I do?

If you have switched districts within the Absence Management system, we would need to link your Jobulator account with your new district within the Absence Management system. To submit a request to have this done, please fill out our Request Form with your new district name as well as the phone number and PIN that you use to log in to your Absence Management account.

I do not see one of my districts listed. What should I do?

There could be several reasons why a district does not appear in your activated district list. Review each potential reason below:

  • The district has opted not to allow use of Jobulator for substitute teachers that teach within their school district.
  • Your account with that district is currently not active. Jobulator relies on an active account with your district, so if that district has deactivated your account, Jobulator no longer has access to alert you of jobs from within that district.
  • That district is not successfully added to your multiple district PIN number within your Absence Management account.

Please Submit a Request to determine which option causes the district to not appear.

I added a new district within the Absence Management system; how do I add it to Jobulator?

These districts are primarily linked within the Absence Management system, so you will need to make sure that the districts are added together with a multiple district PIN number. This can be managed within the Preferences > District List section of your Absence Management account.