Switching your Plan

If you would like to switch the plan for your subscription from Monthly to Yearly or vice versa, you can do so when your current subscription is expired.

You can switch plans by clicking the My Account option at www.jobulator.com.


To sign into the My Account portion of the Jobulator website, enter the email address you gave during the sign up process and your PIN number.


Under My Account, you will find your personal information, your districts which have allowed us to offer you Jobulator, your subscription expiration date, and the option to Change Plan/Payment Info. 

If you want to update your subscription, click the Change Plan/Payment Info link.


You will then see three options under the Update Subscription screen: Switch Your Plan, Update Billing Info, and Cancel Subscription. You will need to click on the Switch Subscription button.


Once selected, the system prompts for verification that you want to continue with the entry of your billing and credit card information. Click Confirm Change to continue.


The form has switched from "Monthly subscription" to "Annual subscription," or vice versa. (The system will display a summary of this process once you complete the update, and you may print this receipt for your records.)