Jobulator Overview (Android)

This tutorial is a step-by-step walkthrough of Jobulator Mobile for Android. You will learn how to activate Jobulator, view and accept available jobs, see messages, and adjust your settings.

Jobulator Download

If you have not yet downloaded Jobulator to your Android device and would like some more specific instructions, check out our article on downloading and activating Jobulator here.

Jobulator Navigation

The main tool to navigate through the Jobulator app is the Navigation Bar at the bottom of the screen. There are five main sections: Jobs, Messages, Calendar, Settings, and Help. Tapping on any of these icons will take you to the main screen of that section of the mobile app.


Jobs: This tab is where you can view, accept, and reject jobs.

Messages: This tab allows you to view your Web alerts, Notifications, and Jobulator messages all directly within the app!

Calendar: This tab provides quick access to see which days you already have booked. Also, by touching the Online Calendar button, you will be able to log directly in to your Frontline Education's Absence & Substitute Management account (formerly Aesop) to get more specific details of jobs you have already accepted.

Settings: This tab allows you to better customize the display and sound on your device!

Help: This tab allows you to test the Jobulator app as well as log out of Jobulator.

Messages Tab

One cool feature that "brings Frontline's Absence Management" into Jobulator is the "Messages" tab. This tab allows you to check any notifications that you could receive, Jobulator messages that we may post, or web alerts that are posted to your Absence Management account, all within your application! 


Calendar Tab

The "Calendar" tab within the Jobulator application will allow you to quickly see which days you have already booked jobs for by highlighting those days in blue.


Then, if you need to get specific details about those jobs that you have accepted, you can press the Aesop Calendar option. This selection will take you out of Jobulator and will log you directly into your Absence Management account through the web browser on your device.

If you are viewing jobs a few months ahead you can touch the Today selection to bring you back to the current month!

Settings Tab

The "Settings" tab of Jobulator will include some settings that you will be able to use to adjust your Jobulator application to make it fit your specific needs!


Check Automatically - When turned on, this setting allows your application to continue to run in the background to allow Jobulator to continuously check your Absence Management account for jobs that are posted there. By adjusting the Check every minute section, you can slow down the refresh rate that Jobulator refreshes at to save on your battery.

Play Sounds - Allows you to tell your app to play sounds when new jobs arrive at that particular point in time!

Sound - By tapping the sound selection to the right of sound, you will be able to view a list of sounds within the application that you would be able to choose from! You can also choose your own sound from your Android device!

Theme - This settings allows you to choose between a day or night setting which will change the coloration of the app.

Job List Font - Some users like to see a larger list of their jobs while others would like to see the job details appear in a larger format. To accommodate our users, we created a setting which allows you to choose whether your jobs in the "Jobs" tab appear larger or smaller.

Help Tab

The "Help" tab of Jobulator will allow you to test your Jobulator application and ensure that the sounds are functioning and that new jobs are able to display on the "Jobs" tab of Jobulator. This section will also contain the Logout of Jobulator selection which will log you out of your Jobulator account.
