Popular Questions

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  Getting Started

Who can use Jobulator?

To activate Jobulator, you must be a substitute teacher who fulfills the following criteria:
  • Has an internet-ready computer, Apple iOS device, or Android-powered device
  • Works in a school district that uses Absence Management (formerly Aesop) for substitute placement and has permitted Jobulator to be used in the district.

If you are unsure whether your district allows the use of Jobulator, sign up for a free trial. During the sign-up process, the Jobulator website will inform you if your district allows the use of Jobulator. 

Can my Apple device run Jobulator?

The current version of Jobulator can be supported by all Apple devices that have iOS 11 or higher.

Can my Android device run Jobulator?

The current version of Jobulator can be supported by all Android devices that have Android 5.0 Lollipop or higher.

  Account Access

What if I forget the email address I first used to sign up?

Please contact the support team if you cannot recall the email address used to sign up for Jobulator. Include your full name and your Absence Management (formerly Aesop) phone number.

I have multiple PIN numbers. Can I see multiple districts?

Yes, you can use any of your Absence Management (formerly Aesop) PINs from the district's listed as participants in Jobulator, and if applicable, you can also use a six-digit multiple-district PIN.

Once logged in, Jobulator will display jobs from all your participating districts. You will need to use your unique 16-digit Activation Key as well as your Absence Management PIN when you first log in to Jobulator. This is a one-time process and not a step you must perform every time you turn on your computer. Jobulator asks for your PIN to verify that the Activation Key you enter is your own. Without PIN verification, users who enter an incorrect Key could potentially gain access to other user's jobs. PIN verification ensures that you and every other Jobulator customer see the right available jobs.

Can I run Jobulator on multiple devices?

You sure can! You simply need to download Jobulator to that new device and then log in with your Jobulator account information! There is no additional charge to use Jobulator on multiple devices.

Why does Jobulator ask for my Absence Management PIN?

We request that you enter your PIN when you accept a job in Jobulator in order to verify that it's really you pressing that button to accept a job. As with activating the program, we are simply trying to confirm your identity.

Can I share my Jobulator account information with someone else?

Yes and no. It is possible to take turns using the same Jobulator application with another Jobulator user. You can simply deactivate Jobulator by going to the "Help" tab on Jobulator and clicking the Deactivate Jobulator button. Then, the other user can activate the program by entering their activation information.

You cannot, however, share your Activation Key. The Activation Key you received upon your free trial registration is unique to your Absence Management (formerly Aesop) profile. It will only display jobs available to you and will provide your district with your Absence Management information when you accept or reject a job.

  Finding and Accepting Jobs

How do I accept a job using Jobulator?

To accept an available assignment displayed on Jobulator, simply perform the following:
  •  Tap on the job that you wish to accept.
  • Once on the details screen, locate the "Accept" button at the bottom of the Job details page.
  • If the job is successfully assigned to you, your Confirmation Number (as well as any notes or lesson plans from the teacher) will be displayed.

Does Jobulator show different jobs than Absence Management?

No, the available jobs displayed in Jobulator are the same as those you would see if you logged in to the Absence Management system. Jobulator merely simplifies the process and saves you from having to log in and search for jobs throughout the day. You can just sit back, relax, and wait to hear those jobs roll in.

Can I view or cancel jobs I have accepted through Jobulator?

At this time, in order to review or cancel assignments that you have accepted through Jobulator, you must log in to the Absence Management (formerly Aesop) website. Jobs accepted through Jobulator will be displayed there just like jobs you have accepted through the website. The Absence Management system handles your Jobulator-accepted jobs just like any other job assignment.

  Absence Management

Can I still see jobs on the Absence Management system?

Yes, you can log in to the Absence Management (formerly Aesop) system anytime you like and see the exact same jobs (plus all the other great information the system provides). Jobulator does not in any way prevent jobs from going to the Absence Management system. Jobulator simply makes searching for those jobs a whole lot more convenient.

  Financial Information

How much does Jobulator cost?

After the no-obligation free trial, you'll have the option to subscribe to the Jobulator service for a $49.99 annual subscription fee (that's less than a weekly dose of coffee during the average school year!) or just $5.99 a month!

Can I sign up for a non-reoccurring payment profile?

Jobulator currently offers users the ability to sign up for either an annual or monthly reoccurring payment profile that will automatically charge each month. This allows the user to not have to re-enter one's credit card information each month and year. We currently do not have any method that would allow you to sign up for an account that was not reoccurring each month/year. In this scenario, you will need to cancel your account before your account is expired, which is the time that your card would be charged.